Stages of Alcoholism: Symptoms of Early, Chronic & End Stages

As with many other diseases, alcoholism is a progressive disease with a beginning, middle, and end stage. Early treatment is critical, as the most severe symptoms of the later stages can result in life-threatening health conditions. Alcohol use disorder contributes to approximately 88,000 deaths a year in the US, as the third leading preventable cause of death. End-stage alcoholism, or alcohol addiction, is the most severe and dangerous stage of alcoholism. The effects of alcohol abuse are clear and visible, and drinking often becomes an all-day occurrence. Because alcohol places a significant strain on the liver, people who suffer from alcohol use disorder often suffer from serious and even deadly liver diseases such as liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

He is conscientious and compassionate with regards to all those who have been entrusted in his care. Dr. Raja values the patient-physician relationship and makes every effort to build trust and confidence as he goes to great lengths to make sure the experience is as pleasant as possible for his patients. His attention Man serving sentence for attacking parents fails to return to halfway house and considered escapee to detail ensures the valued healthcare delivered in his practice. Joining HVRC in 2011 as a graduate of the Body Mind College in San Diego, CA, Midge has been practicing as a Holistic Health Practitioner since 1993. She also holds certifications in Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistics and Cranio-Sacral Therapy.

Stages of Alcoholism: Early, Chronic and End Stage

Genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors can impact how drinking alcohol affects your body and behavior. Theories suggest that for certain people drinking has a different and stronger impact that can lead to alcohol use disorder. If your pattern of drinking results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life, you likely have alcohol use disorder. However, even a mild disorder can escalate and lead to serious problems, so early treatment is important. End-stage alcoholism is deadly because it causes severe health complications. It can cause the liver to gain fat and become inflamed; this leads to liver damage.

Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp. Daily drinking can have serious consequences for a person’s health, both in the short- and long-term. Many of the effects of drinking every day can be reversed through early intervention.

Growing Closer To Death By Alcohol

This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. Stage two is triggered when you experience your first alcohol-related blackout. At this point, you have likely started to lie about your alcohol use, and you take steps to conceal your drinking from friends, family and coworkers.

  • As this damage progresses, it becomes more permanent and compounds, eventually leading to end-stage alcoholism.
  • As this alcohol-rich blood is pumped throughout your body, the alcohol affects every single organ and cell, leading to dramatic changes in how your body functions.
  • Prolonged alcohol use strengthens addiction, making it harder and harder to stop drinking.
  • Without proper medical attention, end-stage alcoholism can be life-threatening.
  • Patients who are at the late stage of an AUD are likely to be experiencing more than one of these conditions at a given time.

In the end-stages of alcoholism there are noticeable health conditions, like jaundice from liver failure. There are also more subtle signs like itchy skin, fluid retention, fatigue, and bleeding. If you know someone who drinks regularly and has these symptoms, call a treatment provider to discuss treatment options. Mental health disorders can be confusing and difficult, especially if they haven’t been diagnosed yet. Someone seeking relief from the symptoms of a mental health problem often finds temporary relief in alcohol, causing them to seek out and use alcohol more heavily than others.

Save Your Life. Get Help for Alcoholism.

Many people with alcohol use disorder hesitate to get treatment because they don’t recognize that they have a problem. An intervention from loved ones can help some people recognize and accept that they need professional help. If you’re concerned about someone who drinks too much, ask a professional experienced in alcohol treatment for advice on how to approach that person.

Jellinek viewed alcoholism as a chronic relapsing condition that needed to be treated by health professionals and developed a theory on the progression of alcoholism through various stages. Once detox is complete, alcoholics can begin tackling problematic behaviors related to their addiction and learn how to live sober again. Because alcoholism is a chronic disease and alcohol relapse is common, persistence is a necessity — but success is achievable. Even though alcohol has become a significant part of everyday life, early-stage alcoholics often deny that they have a problem and may be defensive about their drinking. They may also rationalize, or make excuses, for their behavior and insist they can stop drinking whenever they feel like it. After prolonged, chronic alcohol abuse the body begins to fail with absorption, metabolism, and storage of essential nutrients.

The final stage of an alcohol use disorder is, which results from years of alcohol abuse. The individual in end stage alcoholism will experience serious mental and physical conditions, including possible life-threatening health conditions. “End-stage alcoholism” is a dated term that describes the so-called “final” stage of alcoholism. You are no longer drinking for pleasure now, but because you feel a physical and psychological need to drink. You crave alcohol and suffer withdrawal symptoms until you can get your next drink. You may also be addicted to other drugs and have mental health issues at this point.

If left untreated, alcoholic hepatitis can develop into cirrhosis 3. When alcohol addiction is present, you will seek out and prioritize drinking. Often drinking results in behavioral changes that make it harder to maintain healthy relationships. This frequently creates a scenario where you must choose between alcohol and a relationship. The addictive nature of alcohol tends to hurt relationships when this choice has to be made and leads to seriously strained relationships that affect even your closest family members and friends.


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