How the Security Industry Can Utilize Artificial Intelligence

On the other hand, incorporating data from many different sources may introduce newer risks if the data is not tested and validated, particularly if new data points fall outside of the dataset used to train the model. In addition, continuous provision of new data, both in terms of raw and feedback data, may aid in the ongoing training of the model. Tapping this transformative potential of AI, however, requires careful thought and preparation. As digital applications become more powerful and widespread, good governance and effective controls will play an increasingly important role. In December 2020, the CFTC adopted a final rule addressing electronic trading risk principles, marking a shift toward a principles-based approach to regulating automated traded compared to the CFTC’s previous regulatory efforts.

Machine customers (also called ‘custobots’) are nonhuman economic actors that can autonomously negotiate and purchase goods and services in exchange for payment. By 2028, 15 billion connected products will exist with the potential to behave as customers, with billions more to follow in the coming years. This growth trend will be the source of trillions of dollars in revenues by 2030 and eventually become more significant than the arrival of digital commerce. Strategic considerations should include opportunities to either facilitate these algorithms and devices, or even create new custobots. Although this transformation creates many opportunities for organizations, it also leads to severe risk and exponential growth in cybercrimes. Cybercriminals are continuously experimenting with AI technologies and developing new algorithms to design never-seen-before malware to break into enterprises.

AI Applications in the Securities Industry

Generative AI is a powerful tool for automating response, predicting and countering threats. However, it also has a high chance of more risk than benefits if it is not implemented correctly. Here are Gartner’s 10 boldest IT predictions for 2024, including GenAI, augmented-connected workforce and growth in machine customers. I’m Roshan, a 16 year old passionate about the intersection of artificial intelligence and finance. To see a more specific project involving AI in finance, check out this article on detecting journal entries anomalies using autoencoders.

  • Finally, with respect to operational functions, in addition to AI’s utilitarian benefits to complete administrative tasks, broker-dealers are developing AI-based applications to enhance compliance and risk monitoring functions.
  • The AI Applications for Growth certificate program from Kellogg will equip EY leadership and senior partners with foundational knowledge of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and provide a deep dive into how AI is impacting businesses across the enterprise value chain.
  • Depending on the use case, data scarcity may limit the model’s analysis and outcomes, and could produce results that may be narrow and irrelevant.
  • AI enables a security software to think like a hacker and thus detect vulnerabilities that cybercriminals would normally exploit.

Organizations’ digital immune system (DIS) must be strengthened and resilient to detect and counter threats. But deriving business value from the durable use of AI requires a disciplined approach to widespread adoption along with attention to the risks,” said Howard, distinguished vice president analyst and chief of research at Gartner in a statement. The goal of reinforcement learning is to train a model to make a sequence of decisions that will AI Trading in Brokerage Business maximize the total reward. In reinforcement learning, a machine learning model faces a game-like situation where it uses trial and error to solve the problem it is facing. The programmer manipulates the model to act in a certain way by adding rewards and penalties. As a result, the model is incentivized to perform behaviors that have rewards and discouraged from performing behaviors that incur penalties (this feedback is the “reinforcement”).

The report shows 86% of IT leaders believe generative AI will have a prominent role in their organizations in the near future. Yet 64% of IT leaders are concerned about the ethics of generative AI, and 62% are concerned about its impacts on their careers. The report also notes that ethics and generative AI focus on accuracy, bias, toxicity, safety, and privacy. The effort to establish and use emerging technology should not come at the expense of risk management. Gartner’s Chris Howard said executives must evaluate the impacts and benefits of strategic technology trends next year.

Against this backdrop, firms noted that their compliance, audit, and risk personnel would generally seek to understand the AI-models to ensure that they conform to regulatory and legal requirements, as well as the firms’ policies, procedures, and risk appetites before deployment. Courtesy of Graphus, the company significantly improved phishing prevention, one of the main applications of artificial intelligence in cyber security, and could now concentrate on customer service. AI-augmented development is the use of AI technologies, such as GenAI and machine learning, to aid software engineers in designing, coding, and testing applications. AI-assisted software engineering improves developer productivity and enables development teams to address the increasing demand for software to run the business. These AI-infused development tools enable software engineers to spend less time writing code, so they can spend more time on strategic activities such as the design and composition of compelling business applications. For example, Citadel Securities trades 900 million shares a day (this accounts for 1 in every 8 stock trades in the US).

AI Applications in the Securities Industry

In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will see their personal compensation linked to their sustainable technology impact. The augmented-connected workforce (ACWF) is a strategy for optimizing the value derived from human workers. The ACWF uses intelligent applications and workforce analytics to provide everyday context and guidance to support the workforce’s experience, well-being, and ability to develop its own skills.

Model risk management becomes even more critical for ML models due to their dynamic, self-learning nature. The use of AI in applications to enhance customer experience has gained significant traction, not just in the securities industry but broadly within the financial services industry. AI-based customer service applications largely involve NLP- and ML-based tools that automate and customize customer communications. “As our clients work to embrace the next wave of artificial intelligence, it reinforces our strong belief that continuous learning and upskilling are essential to our organization and our clients. 33 In simple machine learning models (e.g., models that use traditional statistical methods, such as logistic regression or decision trees), one can follow the logic used by the models and the factors that contribute to the final outcome.

The IAC suggests using either an internal governance team (separate from the AI creators) or external auditors. This example draws an important parallel to the securities industry, especially pertinent for RIAs and broker-dealers who are bound by obligations such as fiduciary duty, duty of care, duty of loyalty, best execution, and best interest. When a firm or advisor utilizes an AI-based tool, they are still responsible for adhering to the appropriate fiduciary standards. If an algorithm’s design leads it to prioritize the advisor or firm’s interests over those of the investor — or if it results in the proliferation of other biases — then the advisor could be held responsible for violating their fiduciary duty. Registered representatives can fulfill Continuing Education requirements, view their industry CRD record and perform other compliance tasks. Using vulnerability detection features that can scan and predict risk across thousands of attack vectors and threats, you increase the chances of identifying many loopholes and the risk impact variations on your business.

AI Applications in the Securities Industry

Furthermore, use of AI applications does not relieve firms of their obligations to comply with all applicable securities laws, rules, and regulations. FINRA’s review found broker-dealers primarily use AI to facilitate (1) customer communications and outreach; (2) investment processes; and (3) operational functions. With respect to communication strategies, the report found that broker-dealers are using AI applications in the form of virtual assistants to facilitate customer service as well as others that analyze email inquiries in order to accelerate response time. The report explained that this functionality is being used not only in the securities industry but in the broader financial services industry.

AI applications used in the securities industry may involve the collection, analysis, and sharing of sensitive customer data, as well as ongoing monitoring of customer behavior. For example, AI-based customer service tools may involve collection and use of personally identifiable information (PII) and biometrics. Similarly, certain customer focused AI applications monitor information, such as customer website or app usage, geospatial location, and social media activity. While AI tools based on these types of information may offer firms insights into customer behavior and preferences, they also may pose concerns related to customer privacy if the information is not appropriately safeguarded. Broker-dealers benefit from considering the applicability of relevant customer privacy rules when developing and using such applications, both with respect to the data that is used in AI models and the information that is made available by their outputs. AI-based applications offer several potential benefits to both investors and firms, many of which are highlighted in Section II.

Enhanced vulnerability assessment is one of the best artificial intelligence applications in cybersecurity. Despite the dire consequences of cyber threats, 22% of organizations have limited resources to respond to a security incident according to a BAE Systems survey. By doing so, you would have implemented one of the most effective applications of artificial intelligence techniques to combating cybercrime.

AI-powered vulnerability assessment tools can analyze data in real-time and prioritize vulnerabilities based on the risk level for security teams to act fast. On deploying Graphus, an AI social engineering tool, the automated detection and realized it was 3 times more effective than they had thought. With such an effective and precise threat containment system, your security team will always be ahead of cyber threats. A security analyst can then use enterprise-wide analytics to quickly prioritize severe threats and immediately direct them for response measures.


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